How's it goin?
I'm gonna be totally honest, this week I have done very little.
Monday I had my work experience class, where I sat. And that's about it. I essentially sat down for 90 minutes. I then went home and finished watching the last season of How I Met Your Mother.
Have You ever seen that show? It's very good.
Tuesday I was off, and determined to do something productive. So I went for a cycle. I was going to cycle all the way to Banchory and back (about 30 miles round trip) But the weather wasn't the best, I cycled 5 miles it started to rain and I got in a huff and turned back.
And that my friends was the highlight of my Tuesday.
I spent the rest of the day at home very bored.
I decided to try and make a celebrity friend via Twitter. I would spend all day tweeting if necessary. I would tweet all day, I would tweet all night. I would not rest until I made a new celebrity friend. I would ask celebrities questions, reply to comments, today is the day I make a celebrity friend. Within 5 minutes I got a reply from Dave Gorman
Look at that! He replied within ONE MINUTE! He must be very keen to be my friend. I suspect we'll meet up for a pint soon. Maybe he'll even ask me to be on his radio show. I was asking Dave (yeah I can call him Dave) about the new series of his TV show Genius. The last series was very good and the next one promises to be better.
It is also going to feature my good friend, Ian S Davidson. And by good friend, I mean internet acquaintance.
So with the challenge of making a new celebrity friend complete I found myself bored again. One of the barmen from Vincents sent me a link to this video. I have chosen to name it BEST DEATH EVER!
I also found this clip from the same movie.
If you can't see the video clips above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE
And that was my Tuesday.
Wednesday was a good day, I think it's shaping up to be my favourite day of the week. Class begins at 9:30am which is a pain in the arse, but we get to spend all morning in the studio playing with cameras, which is great fun. And in the afternoon we have script writing, and then we work on our various films in our production groups. Our teacher is now back in school so we got some proper work done. Well almost. I suspect in the next few weeks Wednesday will become mental.
Thursday is yet another day off. It's a tough life being a student. I did very little during the day. I was very keen to go out for a pint but all my mates are quite dull. So I went out for a beer with my future ex wife, Ilaria. She told me about some of the nutters she works with. They sound proper insane.
This may be because she works in the local mental institution. It sounds like a lot of fun. One guy apparently communicated with her through the medium of dance. He then asked her for permission to speak and then asked how the president was doing. That's quite considerate of him.
Friday I was back in the studio for the afternoon which was good fun. I spent the first two hours as a camera man and then as an interviewee. After the fun and games of The Alphabet Song, we have moved onto an interview. This is another directing exercise where we record a studio interview as if it was going out live. It's good fun. I was meant to be getting interviewed about life as a student at Aberdeen college. During the course of my interview I plugged my book several times (still available), Mentioned pineapples several times and told the interviewer how much I would like to smash in the skulls of the public who annoy me at the restaurant. I'll try and get hold of a copy and put it online for your viewing pleasure.
Not many exciting pictures were taken this week. I'll try and get something more interesting for next week.
The other day I received this tweet from my class mate Struan.
Sorry mate, as I told KP, that's not the deal. You buy my book, then you get a Friendly Friday written about you. And only if you provide proof of purchase.
A Poem about this week.
Didn't do much, at school this week.
Watched some TV, I'm such a geek.
Spent 90 minutes in my class,
Spent 90 minutes sitting on my ass.
Played around, in the studio,
I'm just learning, I don't have a clue(dio).
Went out for a bike ride,
made a celebrity friend.
To a tweet he replied,
and that was the end.
That's All For Now
Until Next Time
Have A Nice
Andy G
If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to www.TheBlogOfAndyG.com and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then I will draw a picture of you, a proper picture, I'll colour it in and everything, and post it on the blog! How's that for an incentive!
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