Thursday, 4 August 2011

Im Moving


How's it goin? 

I'm moving. Or at least the blog is. So this will be the final post on The Blog Of Andy G.

The new blog will be located at

The first post of the new blog will be up on Monday, at the crack of noon.

Check it out if you like, or don't. Doesn't bother me.
That's All For Now Forever

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
It would be pretty stupid to subscribe to this blog, just subscribe to the new one. You mong!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Lack Of Blogging


How's it goin?

Sorry for the lack of blog posts recently.
I've been pretty busy.
I finished school.
I had a wee holiday.
I got a new job.

It really has been non stop lately. I will get back to it soon. I have some semi interesting stories to tell you about my recent adventures. I'm sure you will find some way to fill the rather large hole in your life that my blog once filled. 
I will get back to it very soon.
I promise.
In the mean time here's a video of my mates Mark and Jonny singing like a couple of twats.
It's been posted before on the blog before, but I just re-watched it the other day, and felt the need to share.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now 

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then nothing exciting will happen, but you will receive an overwhelming sense of achievement which was probably missing form your life all this time.

Monday, 18 July 2011

My Classmates Films: Waiting In Montana


How's it goin? 

When we started second year of our course, one of the class's we all enjoyed the most was Multi Cam. I've posted several of my classmates multi cam films on the blog. One of the assignments that every student has to do is a music video for the song "Waiting in Montana." It's a song that we all grew to hate very quickly. All of us except for Scott Kilmonster! Scott loved the song so much, he did the multi cam version, then he turned it into a fully fledged short film.
It's a thing of real beauty. It star's Stephen Horne returning as everynes favourite cowboy "Wild Willie Whipass" and Cat Napier as The Waitress.
Sadly Cat forgot her costume on the day, so she just wore her own stuff.

If you can't see the video above then you're a mentalist. Stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do not subscribe then I will lock you in a room and make you listen to this song on repeat for 24 hours straight. you'll never be the same again.

Monday, 11 July 2011

My Final Essay


How's it goin?

So school is over, eventually I'll do a more detailed post reflecting upon my past two years returning to education. But in the meantime I thought you might like to see a few select paragraphs from my final essay. It's the evaluation essay where you evaluate your skills as a director, and how you felt you achieved the goals you were set at the beginning of the year. I got an A for all my school work, including this essay. Even though I occasionally went slightly off topic. After giving myself a very honest evaluation, (I am my own worst critic, I tore everything I did to shreds.) I also decided to evaluate the course itself, as well as a couple of my class mates.  

Here are a few of the highlights from my final essay:

When it came to an assessment that the whole class had to do, I believe I am one of only THREE people to actually make the film. I am referring to “Induction Day.” This was a camera class assessment which a script was already written, the assignment was to make a 3 minute video promoting the college. The script was already written but you could interpret it in anyway you wished. Giving the class a real chance to do something unique and creative. I was very happy with this assignment and curious to see how my classmates would interpret the script.

I chose to do "Robins Induction Day.” Using the characters from Batman & Robin. I adapted the script slightly, but made sure to keep all the relevant information in it. I spent a great deal of time and effort on this short film and was looking forward to seeing what my classmates had come up with. After I had finished my film, I was incredibly disappointed and slightly angry to learn that apparently you didn’t actually have to MAKE the film. All that was needed was the filmed shots on a disc for assessment. I think this is ridiculous! What is the point in being in this course if you are not going to actually MAKE SOMETHING!

I was very disappointed in the majority of students on this course who did not make the most of this opportunity to try and turn something slightly dull, into something interesting and entertaining. However given the attitude of some of the students on this course, I am hardly surprised.

I am led to believe that the three minute wonder and pet hate projects that both classes were tasked with, don’t actually matter. I understand that some students have simply not made them. 
And I find this a disgrace! 

Why are these people allowed to be in the course? They did not do the work, they do not deserve to be here! In my role as a director if a crew member was not performing to an acceptable level then they would no longer be on my crew. It is for this reason that I refuse to work with one of my classmates. (It is also down to the fact that this particular person, is a MORON!) I believe the same rules should be applied to this course. If people do not meet deadlines then they should fail. 

Simple as. 

Obviously there are exceptions to this rule, sometimes people do have genuine reasons for not being able to hand in work, but I highly doubt that is the case with several people who have been on this course.

The production crew we were assigned at the beginning of the second year quickly became useless. I was put in a team with Scott, Robert, and Ian. Scott and I got on very well and were always willing to help each other out where necessary. Robert was frequently absent from class and sadly Ian refused to work with Scott. After I was unable to help Ian out on a couple of dates, he then did not want to work with me and ignored my offers of assistance.

My crew quickly became, myself, Scott and anyone else who was available, in particular Stephen and Struan. The three of them have been invaluable to me this year, without their help my final projects would have looked very, very different.

Overall I feel I have a project that I can be proud of, it’s not the film I originally wanted to make, but it is a film, and it’s a film that most people seem to enjoy so far. 

I have watched every scene approximately 300 times so I hate it. I can see every continuity error, every scene that was meant to lead to something which ultimately got deleted.

Sadly I spent too much time on my other projects this year, I was unaware that the other projects were not being assessed, had I known this then I would have started work on this film the very day we returned as opposed to much later in the academic year. Several students on this course have not put in the effort that I have this year, with a couple of them only having made ONE film this year. In some cases I'm sure it will be a good film, but it hardly seems fair that I have made FIVE films this year, and they have only made one, and we will walk away with the same qualification. If I was a director on a television or film set, and a crew member was not doing the same amount of work as everyone else, and not meeting deadlines, then that crew member would no longer be on my crew. Sadly the same cannot be said for a large amount of students at THE FURTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE I ATTENDED.

So as this essay, and the course draws to a close, I am overall happy with the projects I have been a part of. I am grateful to THE FURTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE I ATTENDED to have let me play with camera's for a couple of years. And I am also very grateful for several of my classmates who have made some fantastic films and I am very proud that I have helped in some small way in some of them. Every project I have helped with has been vastly superior to mine, but as I said, I am my own worst critic.

I only wish I knew at the beginning of the year what I knew now, and my final project I believe would have been of a much higher caliber. But you live and learn.


That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
 If you do subscribe then you might be wasting your time as I'm thinking of having a radical revamp of the blog, so we might be moving. Maybe. But if you d subscribe then you'll be the first to know. Isn't that exciting?
Then fuck you!

Friday, 8 July 2011

My Classmates Films: PHUGS!


How's it goin?

Several weeks ago I wrote a post called Behind The Scenes On PHUGS! Where you got to see a couple of behind the scenes videos and some pics taken during filming on Stephen Hornes film, PHUGS! Well here is the actual film. It's brilliant. It's yet another fantastic film from Stephen. 
It star's Stephen as the man who never gets a real hug, and Scott Ironside as his friend who Phugs him. What is a PHUG I hear you ask? Well watch the film and find out you mong.

You'll love it, and if you don't love it, you have no soul.

If you can't see the video above then you are really missing out, stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do not subscribe I will give you a PHUG!*
*In this context PHUG means punch in the face!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Stevo Has NOT Bought My Book!


How's it goin? 

The title of this post is pretty self explanatory. But in case you're a total mong, please see the lovely little comic strip below.

My friend Stevo has not bought my book.
This is completely UNACCEPTABLE!

Dear reader, I was as shocked as you when I heard the news. How dare this man, a friend no less, a good friend, how dare he NOT buy my book!
This is a disgrace. My book is only £5! Plus I'm super skinto.

So dear reader, it is up to you. You must convince him of the awesome work of literary genius that my book is.

If you know Stevo, then I strongly advise you to hurl some abuse at him the next time you see him.

If you don't know Stevo, CLICK HERE for a link to his facebook page, where you can learn a little bit about him and leave a comment on his wall if you like. 

If you happened to see him in the street, then please feel free to approach him and shout profanities at him until he relents and purchases, the book recently described as,

"Poorly written, but hilarious."

How can you argue with that?

You can also read some of the fantastic reviews HERE, and there are some more HERE. 
It's only a fiver, plus it's now also available as a download, sadly not on the i-bookstore yet, but maybe one day. 

You should also be aware that anyone who has purchased Fifty Envelopes, and written a nice review about it, will automatically receive a discount on my next book, The Wedding Blogger. Which will hopefully be out soon.

So to conclude this post, Stevo I must say that I am ashamed of you! And to think, we once played Cloverfield together.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now 

Until Next Time

Have A Nice 

Andy G 

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
Please be aware that if you offer to lend my book to anyone in an attempt to stop them from buying it, and hence losing me a sale, you're a cunt. Simple as. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The Adventures of BeerMan


How's it goin?

From October 2008 to August 2009 I lived in Edinburgh with my friends Adam, Jonny Torpedo and Richard P.

During that time we had many drunken adventures.

Regular readers will know I recently found a lot of old video clips on my hard drive. This post is another post about one such video.

It was a another fun filled day in Edinburgh, I had the day off, as did Adam and Jonny had just finished work. Surely this was destiny telling us to go to the pub. But Adam was in a bad mood. We don't know why. Probably because he thought someone was using his ensuite toilet. None of us ever did use his toilet but he became very paranoid that we were all the time. He refused to come to the pub with us, and stormed off into his room in a huff.
I was not happy with this. It was a sunny day outside and three of us were off, surely this is a sign to go to the pub?
So I enlisted the help of a local superhero to convince Adam to come out and play.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE.

Sorry the footage is a bit crap, you can blame Jonny Torpedo, he filmed it.

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
if you do subscribe then one day I will introduce you to BEERMAN!!

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Adventures in Glasgow


How's it goin?
Several weeks ago, myself and my classmates went to Glasgow for a film festival. It was a two day event, so rather than get the bus back and forth, we decided to stay the night and hit the town. The festival itself was really good, loads of good films and workshops were attended by us all. We also went to a really good lecture by Gary Tank Commander. Was tres entertaining. (That's french for "very entertaining.")


The night was our own, so we did what every sensible person does when in a strange town.

We went to the pub.

In one such pub, I attempted to perform a magic trick on Struan. It involves hypnotising him and attempting to make him see a triangle in a pint of lager. It's the same trick I did on Adam once before on a drunken night out. He fell for it too. 

Struan did not see the triangle, but he was looking in the wrong place.

Watch this video to see where the triangle really was.

If you can't see the video above then stop watching this crap on Facebook and CLICK HERE

We shortly moved on to another pub, then another, then another. At one point in the evening our conversation was steered in the direction of Sean Connery. More specifically The Sean Connery Whiskey Advert for Japanese whiskey.

Isn't it amazing how simply drinking a glass of japanese whiskey can give the magical ability to tie a bow tie?

Scott then did his famous Sean Connery impression for his version of the advert.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

If that doesn't sell Japanese whiskey then I don't know what will.

That's all for now

Until next time

Have a nice

Andy G

Enter usual crap about subscription to the blog here!

Small print crappy line

Monday, 27 June 2011

My Classmates Films: Harrassment


How's it goin?

Several weeks ago I posted Behind The Scenes on Struans Pet Hate. I'm sure you remember it, it was the one that featured this truly fantastic video clip.

Well here is the finished product. Another fantastic film from Struan Robertson
It also has a cameo by me!

If you can't see the video's above then stop reading this crap on Facebook and CLICK HERE

Little bit of behind the scenes trivia for ya, I play one of the tramps, and you may notice I am carrying a yellow carrier bag. Well that yellow carrier bag contained the Robin costume for Robins Induction day, which starred Struan as Robin. That's a nice little factoid for ya.

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then I will come round to your house dressed as Batman and dance for you.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

The Tale Of The Strange Tasting Porridge


How's it goin?

It was Fathers Day last Sunday. That's when this post was actually meant to have been posted, but I forgot about it. So to celebrate Fathers Day, here's a story about my Dad.

This tale takes place many, many years ago. When I was just a boy. We were on a family holiday, to Florida. Florida in America. That's a big deal when you're a kid. It's AMERICA. As a child for some reason you automatically assume that everything American is ace. 

Sadly having lived there for 6 months I can assure you that this is not the case. But this is now and that was then. Then I was in awe of everything american. It was on this holiday that I got my beloved Cowboy hat. 

It was our first day on holiday. We were in America and we were damn well gonna do lots of American things. First and foremost was breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day after all. Since it was our first day, and we were all still knackered from traveling, we decided to have breakfast in the hotel restaurant. In retrospect it wasn't that good, but as an 11 year old kid it was amazing. It was humongous, a massive breakfast buffet. I had never seen anything like it before, I stood in awe of this truly epic breakfast. They had Pancakes! Pancakes for breakfast. My 11 year old self thought this was mental and proceeded to eat more pancakes than is medically advisable. My sister also ate a mammoth size breakfast, sadly this is a trend that would continue throughout her life, hence her size now.

My Parents were reasonably sensible, and did not stuff their faces with pancakes and maple syrup like their greedy children. My Mum had cereal followed by the usual cooked breakfast, and my Dad started off with some porridge. Some very strange tasting porridge. Being tired and in a new country he assumed that his taste buds were out of allignment, or perhaps this was some kind of strange American porridge, we were in America after all, and everything is better (or at least different) in America.
My Dad is not one to waste food, so he continued eating, but he attempted to sweeten it with sugar, but it still didn't taste quite right. He then added in some strawberry Jam, surely this would make the porridge more palatable. But alas it did not. My Dad continued to claim that the porridge tasted "Strange."

He ate it all anyway, like I said we don't waste food in our family.
The waitress appeared a short time later to clear our plates, and Dad made a comment about the porridge. The waitress looked confused, then he did his best American accent and said "The Oatmeal." This is something he does a lot when talking people of different nationalities. especially Americans. I realise that is a difficult thing to convey in a written blog rather than me telling you the story in person, but trust me he does it all the time.

The waitress then realised what he was talking about. Her confusion didn't stem from the fact he called oatmeal porridge, or from his attempt to explain the situation in an obviously fake american accent. Her confusion came from the fact that there was no porridge/oatmeal available on the buffet.

Her face struggled to hide her smirk, which turned into a chuckle. All the while myself and my family sat there confused as to her amusement. Well my Mum and Dad sat there confused, my sister and I were busy on our 13th helping of pancakes and maple syrup.
The waitress then told us why she was laughing.

"You're the first person to ever put strawberry jam in Sausage Gravy!"
Yes, sausage gravy.

He had been sitting at the table with a lovely steaming bowl of sausage gravy which he sweetened with Jam. 

In his defence, it did really look like porridge.

That's All For Now 

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then you will receive a complimentary helping of Sausage Gravy

Saturday, 25 June 2011

The Hotel Promo


How's it goin?

So you've seen The Official Making Of, and The Uncut Making Of, now it's time for the actual promo video itself. I hope you like it, and I hope you go and visit the hotel sometime. It's very nice.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

A massive thank you to Scott, Struan, Ian and Bob for all the help in making this video. without all of your help it simply wouldn't have happened. You guys rule!

That's All For Now 

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do not subscribe then I shall beat you to death with a frozen haddock. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Friday, 24 June 2011

The Uncut Making Of The Hotel Promo


How's it goin?

Yesterday you got to see the very well put together video that Scott made. Today here's all the video footage I shot, just uploaded onto you tube. Uncut and unrated!! There are ten short video's which tell the tale of making the promo from the perspective of a drunk and then hungover Andy G.

Hope you like.

If you can't see any of the video's above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do not subscribe then I shall pace a curse upon your family which shall afflcit you for a thousand generations!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

The Official Making Of The Hotel Promo


How's it goin? 

Several months ago myself, Ian, Struan and Scott all headed to a hotel on the west coast to make a promo video. We had a cracking couple of days away which I have written about before. While we were away both myself and Scott made several videos. Here is the official Behind The Scenes video, expertly put together by Scott. It's very, very good, and will hopefully give you a good idea of the kind of high jinks we got up to during the weekend.

Hope you like.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

Tomorrow I shall be posting all the video's I made, unlike Scott, I am very lazy and I didn't edit mine together. I just stuck them all on you tube. 

That's All For Now

Until Next Time 

Have A Nice 

Andy G


I am aware that the blog has been very video heavy lately. This is because I have recently finished school and have a lot of videos to share. I also just found a lot of old video clips on my hard drive which I had forgotten all about. All of which shall be posted online soon. Including a couple of videos from Marks Stag Do which I know you will love, although Mark might not.

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then I will one day write the most amazing blog post all about you! If you like.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Behind The Scenes on D.C.A.


How's it goin?

So as the academic year comes to a close, all of my classmates are busy finishing up the edit on their final projects. Some of my class have got some really top notch films. Here is a behind the scenes look, at one of them. One in which I am one of the stars.
This film is called D.C.A. and is written and directed by the award winning Cat Napier.
Which stands for Diet Cokers Anonymous.

It's a mockumentary about a young girl who is addicted to Diet Coke. I play John Johnson, the documentary maker.

Here's a couple of behind the scenes pics

Here is Cat, playing the character of the Diet Coke addicted Caroline, in this scene she is recovering from an overdose,

This first video features a brief glimpse of a critical scene in the movie, and then Cat does her Blow Job Face.

In this second video KP demonstrates just how annoying she can be

In this third video, all manner of topics are covered, from the potential rape of KP, to Cat missing her penis, and Scott talking about what he'd like to do with some vegetables after he'd used them in a a bizarre sexual act.

While we were shooting at Cat's flat, we spotted a couple of giant dalmation dogs, Cat made me film them. Here is that film.

A critical scene in the film is when Cat's character tries to cure herself of ehr addiction by drinking Pepsi. Here is a sneak peak at that scene.

If you can't see the video above, or any of the other videos, then stop being such a mong! Stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

Cat should be finished editing D.C.A. any day now and as soon as she uploads it to you tube, I'll be sure to post it on here for you all to enjoy her very good film and my wonderful acting. I've seen an almost finsihed version fo the film, and I can confirm it's very, very good!

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do not subscribe then I shall beat you to death with a bottle of Diet Coke.

Monday, 20 June 2011

My Classmates Films: SEE THEM TONIGHT!!


How's it goin? 

For this week, if you want to see one of my classmates films then get your ass down to The Belmont Cinema in Aberdeen. 

It's The Student Showcase, and there will be some cracking films being show, including two of my films, the infamous Sticks & Stones, and Stephen Hornes Induction Day. It's gonna be epicly epic. Miss it Miss out.

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice 

Andy G 

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe and come to the showcase, I will buy you a drink.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Book Look: The Show Where We Take A Look At A Book


How's it goin?

The other day I was roaming the inter webs the other day when I happened upon this. It's a chat show about books. It's called Book Look. And guess what?

In this particular episode, they are talking about MY BOOK!

I also did a brief interview for them, but I was pretty drunk at the time and completely forgot about it until now! 


Have a watch of the show, it stars Justin Timberlake and Kylie Minogue! Talking about MY BOOK!! How ace is that??

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

For anyone interested, please remember that MY BOOK is still available for the low low price of only £5. 
Yes that's right only £5(Plus Postage and Packaging) 
And it's also available as a download for only £3.

That's All For Now 

Until Next Time 

Have A Nice 

Andy G 

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe I will introduce you to "Kylie" If you do not subscribe I will lock you in a room with her.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Killer Dogs and Secret Space Rockets


How's it goin?

You smell terrific, is that a new shampoo you're using?

The other day it was very sunny, and I had nothing to do, so I thought I would do a good deed, and take Grappa The Crazy Killer Demon Dog From Hell for a walk. My plan was to walk into a field, kill her and bury the body, then go and celebrate. On my walk I discovered many wonderful things about the wonderful area where I live. (Northfield)

Here's a video where I discover evidence that Aberdeen has a SPACE PROGRAM!!
If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

Other highlights from my walk included:

The Pinkest Building I have ever seen!

And a burnt out old hut!

Northfield really is a classy area, but on the upside we do have our own rocket!!!

For those of you who have been influenced by Grappas insidious mind control powers and actually think that she is a good dog. Don't worry, I didn't kill her. But one day that's a decision that everyone will regret. Mark my words! One day she will kill us all!!

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do not subscribe then I will lock you in a room with Grappa, and believe me you will not be coming out.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

My Final Project: Suburbia University


How's it goin? 

Well here it is, my final project for school. 
It's called Suburbia University and focus's on three people who inhabit this establishment, Billy, Henry and Andy G. 

Here it is, enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Make sure you watch until the end of the credits as you get a little bonus scene.

If you can't see the video above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now 

Until Next Time 

Have A Nice

Andy G 

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then maybe one day I will make a much better film and give you a role in it.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Behind The Scenes on Phugs


How's it goin?

Several weeks ago, on a cold spring morning, myself and a few of my classmates, headed to Duthie Park to help my friend and classmate Stephen Horne film his short film PHUGS.

Phugs stands for Perfunctory Hugs. If you don't know what perfunctory means, don't worry, I didn't either.


  [per-fuhngk-tuh-ree]  Show IPA
performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial:perfunctory courtesy.
lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent orapathetic:  
In his lectures he reveals himself to be merely aperfunctory speaker.

The film stars Stephen as a man who has never been hugged, and when he receives yet another Phug from everyone's favourite teuchter, Scott Ironside, it's just one Phug too many.

Here's a couple of behind the scenes pics:

And here's a couple of quick videos I made on the day.

If you can't see the videos above then stop reading this crap on Facebook and CLICK HERE

During our lunch break, the weather turned a bit crap, as it often does in Aberdeen. We couldn't film in the rain, so to fill up some time, myself and Struan had a wander through The Winter Gardens. Many years ago The Winter Gardens in Aberdeen used to be home to Spike The Talking Cactus. Sadly he has since vanished, but they do have a giant frog. Here's a video of Struans reaction to seeing it. Movie buffs should be suitably impressed at my joke at the end of this video. And if you're not impressed, you're a dick. Simple as.

If you can't see any of the videos above then stop reading this crap on facebook and CLICK HERE

That's All For Now

Until Next Time

Have A Nice

Andy G

If you want to get all the crap I write delivered straight to your inbox then go to and put your email address in the wee box that says "subscribe."
If you do subscribe then one day I will take you to see the giant frog


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